Dr. Amanda Klein-Cox joined the College of Social Work as a Senior Research Associate in 2019. Klein-Cox founded Structured Solutions Educational Consulting, LLC in 2015, which provides research, evaluation, and training services for schools, school districts, and youth- and family-serving organizations. Klein-Cox has served as a professor at Stevenson University, in the Community-Based Education and Leadership graduate program, since 2018. Her research interests center on the intersection between families, communities, and schools and their impacts on child well-being and educational outcomes. Klein-Cox began her career as a public school teacher in Baltimore City Public Schools and later served as a family and community liaison, district Family and Community Engagement Specialist, and Family Engagement Evaluator. Dr. Klein-Cox earned Bachelor of Arts and Master of Public Policy degrees from Johns Hopkins University and a doctorate in Education Leadership and Policy from Vanderbilt University.
Ed.D. - Vanderbilt University - K-12 Education Leadership and Policy
MA - Johns Hopkins University - Public Policy
BA - Johns Hopkins University - Political Science