“I spent one year as a UPP intern at Franklin County Children Services and could not have been better prepared. My UPP internship gave me
the hands-on experience I needed to be a successful caseworker. I was able to shadow in all the different departments and gain a
well-rounded view of everything we do to ensure child safety and strengthen families. I loved meeting
with the other interns regularly to learn through one another’s experiences. I am now entering my sixth year of
employment in the child welfare field and still draw upon what I learned every day!” – Carrie Miller, 2017-18 UPP student
Application Process
If you are interested in the UPP child welfare training program, please
- Complete the application,
- Upload your resume,
- Prepare and upload a personal statement,
- Submit the case assessment, and
- Email two to three professional letters of recommendation
Application Deadlines
- BSSW Students – Due by Dec. 15
- MSW I – Due by week three of the semester you are completing SWK 6188
- MSW-ASAP and MSW II – Due by week three of the semester prior to commencing field placement
Application Materials
Further Information
Please contact Ashlee Pfile, MSW, MS, LSW, University Partnership Program (UPP) Manager
at 614-247-5713 or pfile.2@osu.edu.