Transgender and Gender Diversity Statement
The Ohio State University College of Social Work is in solidarity with transgender and gender diverse children, adolescents and adults. As social workers and scholars, we promote social justice for vulnerable populations through high-quality research and evidence-based practice.
Based on the evidence, the College of Social Work calls for:
- Inclusion of transgender and gender diverse children, adolescents and young adults in their schools and communities in a manner that affirms their gender identities. We condemn efforts to restrict or prohibit participation in activities that promote their health and well-being.
- Increased access to affirming physical and mental health care for transgender and gender diverse children, adolescents and adults across their life course. We condemn efforts to restrict or prohibit health care professionals from providing evidence-based and affirming care.
Transgender and gender diverse children, adolescents and adults face prejudice, discrimination and multiple forms of violence and victimization in the contexts of their families, schools, workplaces, communities and society-at-large. As a result, they experience elevated depression and suicidality, as well as numerous other mental and physical health concerns.
Safe and inclusive school and community contexts: For transgender and gender diverse adolescents, perceived school safety and connections to supportive adults like teachers and coaches moderate negative outcomes including self-harm and suicidal behavior. Restricting inclusive access to their schools and communities compounds the rejection and dehumanization they encounter in their day-to-day lives. This includes denying transgender and gender diverse children, adolescents and young adults the multidimensional benefits of gender affirming participation in athletics programs.
Learn more about transgender and gender diverse children and youths’ experiences in schools and the benefits of inclusive policies.
Learn more about gender affirming athletics participation and transgender inclusion in high school athletics (PDF).
Gender affirming physical and mental health care across their life course: Access to gender affirming health care is associated with improved physical and mental health for transgender and gender diverse people. However, discrimination can make barriers to care immense. For children and adolescents—even those who receive support from parents or guardians—accessing care can be particularly difficult. Yet, research demonstrates that access to gender affirming physical and mental health care is effective at improving children and adolescents’ well-being in a multitude of ways.
For more on the need for gender affirming health care for youth, see Gender-Affirming Health Care Should Be a Right, Not a Crime and Gender-Affirming Care for Youth is Good Health Care.
The College of Social Work stands with transgender and gender diverse individuals and communities—especially young people. We call on our colleagues and institutions to do the same.